Thursday 11 October 2007


Mmm. I haven't been so happy in ages.
Today was brilliant. Absolutely.

I have much to smile about right now. :)

Tuesday 9 October 2007


It isn't so bad.
I didn't totally fuck up today, and I think managed to seem like less of a mindless idiot.

On another note- Tim Minchin on Saturday. Which I'm really looking forward to....but also not because of...circumstances. Which, to be fair, are all my fault.


Monday 8 October 2007

First Day

First day of bloody work experience.
I don't much like it there so far; Steve scares me and it's all very exhausting but it was fun having Ken to bully all afternoon. ^_^

Steve talks very quickly, and does everything very quickly. Also, with the medication, I forget pretty much everything, so when I'm asked stuff about what I've just done two seconds beforehand, I can't remember. Steve thinks I'm really stupid, I swear. Gah.

Considering how utterly exhausted I've been lately, I'm surprised I managed today. Mind you, I don't think I'll manage tomorrow.

On the plus side, if I get a design done, then I can make it all myself for print on a t-shirt ^_^